Ace the Ontario Barrister and Solicitor Exam 2024 – Unleash Your Legal Superpowers!

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What is a key difference between an asset acquisition and a share acquisition?

Tax implications

Change in ownership

Disturbance to existing benefit plans

A key difference between an asset acquisition and a share acquisition is the impact on existing benefit plans. In an asset acquisition, the buyer acquires specific assets from the seller, meaning that the buyer may have to establish new benefit plans for employees or renegotiate existing plans. In a share acquisition, the buyer acquires the entire company, including its existing benefit plans. This means that the benefit plans remain the same and there is no disturbance or change for employees. Therefore, the option "Disturbance to existing benefit plans" is the correct answer, as it is not a concern in a share acquisition but is in an asset acquisition. Options A, B, and D are incorrect as they do not accurately differentiate between the two types of acquisitions. Tax implications, change in ownership, and legal entity continuity can be factors in both asset and share acquisitions.

Legal entity continuity


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